NWA Championship Show
4th May 2008
I know I am not
alone in being concerned by the direction our breed seems to be taking, both in
type and movement. Historically, size
has always been an issue but I don’t think we have previously seen such hefty
dogs with bulky shoulders and coarse bone.
Too many of my entry had all the grace and elegance of a fork lift truck
and however handsome, were simply not typical of the breed. The other surprisingly prevalent fault was
wide hind movement resulting in a complete lack of drive. The standard does not call for tremendous
reach and drive as seen in some of the more spectacular utility breeds but it
does require it to be “Free, hindlegs coming well under the body for
propulsion.” With a few honourable
exceptions, this was completely lacking.
In vain did the stewards do an excellent job of keeping the mats free so
that exhibitors could use the whole ring to get their dogs into their stride -
they still paddled behind. Maybe the
problem is that few nowadays have any idea what “built for speed and work”
looks like, having no opportunity to see their dogs run to any purpose. Certainly, again with a few honourable
exceptions, few were in hard condition, many feeling like a sock filled with
marmalade under the hand. On the plus
side, presentation was excellent, there were few with toes turning in or out and many breeders seem to
have addressed the problem of short upper arms so there were few
goosesteppers. Although snipey muzzles
also seem to have disappeared, there were some incorrect bites and I do hope
that these are not going to be bred from in the mistaken belief that it is a
trivial fault. Bad mouths are hard to
breed out. There were also some really
lovely dogs and I felt honoured and privileged
to handle my top winners but in some classes, it was hard to apply the
principle of cutting on breed type then selecting on movement and quality which
is another attribute in short supply.
1. Res CC , BV, Minns’ Multi Ch Airescot Ruby Rascal. A champion in five countries, this dog needs no accolades from me but at 8 years old, he looked better than ever, flowing round the ring with a powerful stride sadly lacking in others.
2. Peskett’s Shoalingam Sentenary. Scopey fawn with excellent feet for a ten year old. Strong jaw, good sweep of neck into pleasing topline, covered the ground well on the move.
3. Tope’s Tinstone Silver Furze at Drewerstone.
1. McLeods’ Peperone Pure Gold. Smokey fawn with a lovely return of upper arm bringing his front legs correctly under his body - not often seen nowadays. Good length of back leading to strong quarters and a good width of second thigh, good flat bone.
2. Westropp’s Burmore Baudelaire of Ruffdale. Quality fawn with good bone and balance, not as strong behind as 1, hope his lovely long tail grows with him, neat ears.
3. Burgess’ Monelli Michigan.
1 & BPD Coulter’s Danluke Declaration of Love. Glamorous, quality particolour, correct size at the moment, well angulated fore and aft, well laid shoulder flows into his correct topline, typical head with a good depth of muzzle and correct bite. Gave his handler a hard time but when he settled, moved with drive. Unfortunately, by the end of the day, he did not move as well in the challenge.
2. Jones’ Welstar with Strauss. Another quality fawn with a flowing topline and good return of upper arm. Good bone, nothing overdone, only beaten by the relative maturity and sheer pizazz of 1.
3. Head’s Demerlay Rythmnblues.
1. Snelgrove’s Huntinghill the Jazz Man. Curvy, and correctly sized brindle particolour with all four feet where they should be, supporting his body rather than under his neck or trailing out behind. Old-fashioned head with a kind eye and good depth of muzzle, would like to see him extend his neck more often. Well balanced, standing over plenty of ground and with good depth of brisket.
2. Ellis’ Lakeisle Rainlord of Railfield. Fawn with more quality than 1 but less appealing in head and front. Graceful sweep of stifle into excellent feet.
3. Warner & Hetherington’s Savuka Mambo Sun.
1.Leach’s Willingwisp Star Gazer. Super quality fawn particolour with lots of scope and a flowing topline over a good depth of brisket. Good spring of pastern into excellent feet on which he moved well, maintaining his balance and topline. Oozed breed type with a gorgeous whippety expression.
2. Cox’s Rearsbylea Recruit. So much to like in this workmanlike and typical dog who made the most of the ring and like 1 was close to the standard for size. I just preferred the topline and scope of 1. 3. Stock and Gilmour’s Courthill Come Fly with Me.
1. Vickerstaff’s Bali Hi. Charming and elegant blue of a highly desirable size, flowing lines from his ears to his feet. Old fashioned type with a lovely sweep of stifle and good spring of pastern, well let down hocks slightly overextended by his handler. Moved smoothly and effortlessly to win the class with something to spare. 2. Head’s Demerlay Rythmnblues. Attractive fawn in heavier mould. Pleasing masculine head and expression, good length of loin, good bone, moved strongly with drive behind.
3. Price’s Anthemion Rough Diamond Among Silkdance.
1. Bali Hi.
2. Van Raalte’s Shirotae Silver Song. Scopey brindle of acceptable size, little too much angulation behind, otherwise a nice workmanlike dog.
3. Osborne’s Loroli Authorized by Derohan.
1. Noel-Smith’s Spiders’n’Spoons. Well made white and fawn who looked as though he could gallop a bit. Balanced, all of a piece conformation, won this class on his sound and purposeful movement.
2. Anderson’s Woolsocks Red Kite. Fawn particolour in heavier mould, good, clean shoulders showed to advantage on the move where he covered his ground better than on the stack. Slightly slack in pastern but a nice, quality dog.
3. Oxton’s Nimrodel Mirage.
1. Berryman’s Stormburst Shady Waters. Elegant brindle with a racy outline and good front angulation bringing his front legs under his body, workmanlike rear end with enough second thigh, slightly deeper brisket would complete the picture. 2. Rishworth’s Daleko Highland Boy. Shaded fawn/white immaculately presented, of better size than 1 but not so typical in head or front angulation. Good quarters and felt fit for purpose.
3. Webber’s Penbriar Foxhunter.
1. Third’s Bruntsfield Beetle. Beautiful black dog, has done well under me before and did not disappoint in maturity, stood away in this class with his correct flowing line from his ears to his hocks, covering his ground well, the epitome of type, balance and quality. Pushed hard for top honours but could not match the driving movement of my winners.
2. Dufty/Morland/Morland-Allen’s Wrenalla Just Giles at Triken. Elegant brindle youngster who won his place on his sheer quality and breed type. Not the shoulder or topline of 1 but that could come with exercise and maturity, good bone and feet.
3. Spiders’n’Spoons.
OPEN DOG 14, 3
1. CC, Res BIS, BOS. McLeods’ Ch/Aust Ch Peperone Solid Gold (imp). Elegant fawn, exuding breed type, lovely size and balance with a flowing topline, this well known champion is a class act. Moved round the ring with effortless power that was a pleasure to watch. 2. Mooney’s Collooney Love Me Tender. Quality little brindle dog, immaculately presented, balanced fore and aft with a real whippet topline, covered his ground on the move. Would have preferred cleaner shoulders. 3. Lempereur’s Blue Spring’s Tiger Touch.
Gay Robertson
1. Res CC , BV, Minns’ Multi Ch Airescot Ruby Rascal. A champion in five countries, this dog needs no accolades from me but at 8 years old, he looked better than ever, flowing round the ring with a powerful stride sadly lacking in others.
2. Peskett’s Shoalingam Sentenary. Scopey fawn with excellent feet for a ten year old. Strong jaw, good sweep of neck into pleasing topline, covered the ground well on the move.
3. Tope’s Tinstone Silver Furze at Drewerstone.
1. McLeods’ Peperone Pure Gold. Smokey fawn with a lovely return of upper arm bringing his front legs correctly under his body - not often seen nowadays. Good length of back leading to strong quarters and a good width of second thigh, good flat bone.
2. Westropp’s Burmore Baudelaire of Ruffdale. Quality fawn with good bone and balance, not as strong behind as 1, hope his lovely long tail grows with him, neat ears.
3. Burgess’ Monelli Michigan.
1 & BPD Coulter’s Danluke Declaration of Love. Glamorous, quality particolour, correct size at the moment, well angulated fore and aft, well laid shoulder flows into his correct topline, typical head with a good depth of muzzle and correct bite. Gave his handler a hard time but when he settled, moved with drive. Unfortunately, by the end of the day, he did not move as well in the challenge.
2. Jones’ Welstar with Strauss. Another quality fawn with a flowing topline and good return of upper arm. Good bone, nothing overdone, only beaten by the relative maturity and sheer pizazz of 1.
3. Head’s Demerlay Rythmnblues.
1. Snelgrove’s Huntinghill the Jazz Man. Curvy, and correctly sized brindle particolour with all four feet where they should be, supporting his body rather than under his neck or trailing out behind. Old-fashioned head with a kind eye and good depth of muzzle, would like to see him extend his neck more often. Well balanced, standing over plenty of ground and with good depth of brisket.
2. Ellis’ Lakeisle Rainlord of Railfield. Fawn with more quality than 1 but less appealing in head and front. Graceful sweep of stifle into excellent feet.
3. Warner & Hetherington’s Savuka Mambo Sun.
1.Leach’s Willingwisp Star Gazer. Super quality fawn particolour with lots of scope and a flowing topline over a good depth of brisket. Good spring of pastern into excellent feet on which he moved well, maintaining his balance and topline. Oozed breed type with a gorgeous whippety expression.
2. Cox’s Rearsbylea Recruit. So much to like in this workmanlike and typical dog who made the most of the ring and like 1 was close to the standard for size. I just preferred the topline and scope of 1. 3. Stock and Gilmour’s Courthill Come Fly with Me.
1. Vickerstaff’s Bali Hi. Charming and elegant blue of a highly desirable size, flowing lines from his ears to his feet. Old fashioned type with a lovely sweep of stifle and good spring of pastern, well let down hocks slightly overextended by his handler. Moved smoothly and effortlessly to win the class with something to spare. 2. Head’s Demerlay Rythmnblues. Attractive fawn in heavier mould. Pleasing masculine head and expression, good length of loin, good bone, moved strongly with drive behind.
3. Price’s Anthemion Rough Diamond Among Silkdance.
1. Bali Hi.
2. Van Raalte’s Shirotae Silver Song. Scopey brindle of acceptable size, little too much angulation behind, otherwise a nice workmanlike dog.
3. Osborne’s Loroli Authorized by Derohan.
1. Noel-Smith’s Spiders’n’Spoons. Well made white and fawn who looked as though he could gallop a bit. Balanced, all of a piece conformation, won this class on his sound and purposeful movement.
2. Anderson’s Woolsocks Red Kite. Fawn particolour in heavier mould, good, clean shoulders showed to advantage on the move where he covered his ground better than on the stack. Slightly slack in pastern but a nice, quality dog.
3. Oxton’s Nimrodel Mirage.
1. Berryman’s Stormburst Shady Waters. Elegant brindle with a racy outline and good front angulation bringing his front legs under his body, workmanlike rear end with enough second thigh, slightly deeper brisket would complete the picture. 2. Rishworth’s Daleko Highland Boy. Shaded fawn/white immaculately presented, of better size than 1 but not so typical in head or front angulation. Good quarters and felt fit for purpose.
3. Webber’s Penbriar Foxhunter.
1. Third’s Bruntsfield Beetle. Beautiful black dog, has done well under me before and did not disappoint in maturity, stood away in this class with his correct flowing line from his ears to his hocks, covering his ground well, the epitome of type, balance and quality. Pushed hard for top honours but could not match the driving movement of my winners.
2. Dufty/Morland/Morland-Allen’s Wrenalla Just Giles at Triken. Elegant brindle youngster who won his place on his sheer quality and breed type. Not the shoulder or topline of 1 but that could come with exercise and maturity, good bone and feet.
3. Spiders’n’Spoons.
OPEN DOG 14, 3
1. CC, Res BIS, BOS. McLeods’ Ch/Aust Ch Peperone Solid Gold (imp). Elegant fawn, exuding breed type, lovely size and balance with a flowing topline, this well known champion is a class act. Moved round the ring with effortless power that was a pleasure to watch. 2. Mooney’s Collooney Love Me Tender. Quality little brindle dog, immaculately presented, balanced fore and aft with a real whippet topline, covered his ground on the move. Would have preferred cleaner shoulders. 3. Lempereur’s Blue Spring’s Tiger Touch.
Gay Robertson
In agreement with my co-judge Gay Robertson BIS was the
bitch Ch Courthill Cast a Shadow. RBIS Ch/Aus Ch Peperone Solid Gold. Best
Puppy Koppelwell Kurious Kactus and BV Multi Ch Airescot Ruby Rascal who looked
134 bitches making an entry of 161. It seems that movement has deteriorated, not many moved with that lovely daisy cutting front action with strong rear drive, also very few had well filled in fronts. Teeth and nails, in some cases, needed attention. Size was not a problem.
Veteran Bitch (17)
1. Coulter’s Ch/IrCh Collooney Silver Silas, one week short of 9 years, very typy and scopy quality fawn, liked her head, neck and feet, excellent topline and moved well, in lovely condition.
2. Reed’s Alza Niamh at Dejare, almost 10 years fawn with a feminine head, long neck, good depth, topline and quarters.
3. Hill’s Shimmeree Blue Kashmere.
Minor Puppy Bitch (13)
1. Foster’s Koppelwell Kurious Kactus, nothing curious about this lovely brindle baby. Sweetest of heads, long neck fitting into a well laid shoulder, good feet, correct topline for her age with arch over the loin, well bent stifles, excelled on the move, has a lovely balance and quality, loved her. BPIS
2. Price’s Anthemion Natural Coral among Silkdance, brindle girl who has a feminine head, long neck, good depth and quarters, another who moved well, just not as copy as 1.
3. Home and Fisher-Home’s Jasarat Texas Rose.
Puppy Bitch (11)
1. McLeod’s Peperone Pieris, 10 months parti of lovely type, very feminine and well balanced, lovely head with small ear, long neck set into well laid shoulder, well off for body, good quarters, true on the move.
2. Head’s Demerlay Alwasnforever, pretty red fawn, liked her head, neck and shoulder, good bend of stifle, sound movement, very shapely quality girl
3. Burton’s Khandibah Khorriandah
Junior Bitch (17)
1. Snelgroves Huntinghill Jazzalicious, lovely fawn and white, excellent shape and balance, liked her head, eye and ear, neck, shoulder, topline and quarters, fine coat and skin, excellent movement, close for RCC
2. Hunt’s Tayra Fame N Fortune, quality fawn and white with white trim, sweetest of heads, long neck fitting into well laid shoulder, good topline and quarters, carrying the correct amount of weight, just not the lengthof 1.
3. Bell’s Scarletfair Secret Star over Windsdream
Yearling Bitch (16)
1. Seimet, Day and Johnson’s Chibuku Divas Lyric at Sejoda, fawn and white bitch of lovely quality, lean head, long neck, good feet, topline and well angulated quarters. A shade more brisket would improve the picture. Movement good.
2. Howgate and Hull’s Palmik Midnight Mischief, scopy fawn who moved so well, lovely neck and shoulder, good bone and feet, broad back and strong quarters, well let down hocks.
3. Hunger’s Collooney Sweet ‘N’ Sassy
Novice (16)
1. Foster’s Koppelwell Kurious Kactus
2. McLeod’s Peperone Pieris
3. Head’s Demerlay Alwasnforever
Undergradute Bitch (7)
1. Hill and Little’s Loroli Joystone, shapely brindle who presented a very pleasing picture which was spolied by moving a trifle wide fore and aft.
2. Banyard’s Darquell Hannah Nutherwon, pretty bitch who has a good neck, feet and quarters, fine coat and skin, need more fill in front.
3. Burdette’s Burmore Party Pice.
Special Beginners Bitch (10)
1. Burton’s Khandibah Khorriandah, 3rd in puppy shapely fawn, well balanced, long neck, good topline, correctloin.
2. Julian’s Bluestreak Bestseller, reserve in yearling. Pale brindle, shapely but not the length of 1. Fine coat and skin
3. Grant’s Wildfly Gold Dust
Post Graduate Bitch (23)
1. Harding’s Copsebury Twist ‘n Move, lovely, quality, shapely bitch who has all the qualities to go on, free mover, liked her very much.
2. Boughton and White’s Scarletfair Shooting Star from Ipanema, pretty girl who has a typical head, good neck, topline and quarters, moved very well especially in profile.
3. Becquet and Darby’s Becscott Delectable lady.
Limit Bitch (20)
1. Randall’s Spinneyhill Cinnamon at Hammonds, super quality brindle who is built on lovely lines, just right for shape and balance, fine coat and skin. Just moving a little wide behind which cost her further rewards.
2. Fulcher’s Khandibah Shamyaanha, lovely shapely, balanced bitch who I liked very much, close up to 1.
3. Bird’s Blanding’s Infatuation.
Open Bitch (11)
1. Stock and Gilmour’s Ch Courthill Cast a Shadow, very classy brindle and white girl who presents a superb picture, lean feminine head, good long neck set well into shoulder, correct topline, good bone and feet, stands over plenty of ground, moved with reach and drive, immaculate condition and presentation, won a well-deserved CC & BIS.
2. Dufty, Moreland and Moreland-Allen’s Triken Sweet Dreams, 3 years fawn and white bitch of excellent type and quality, nothing exaggerated here just a lovely balanced shape coupled with excellent movement which won her RCC.
3. Howgate and Hull’s Palmik Princess
Sandra Marshall
134 bitches making an entry of 161. It seems that movement has deteriorated, not many moved with that lovely daisy cutting front action with strong rear drive, also very few had well filled in fronts. Teeth and nails, in some cases, needed attention. Size was not a problem.
Veteran Bitch (17)
1. Coulter’s Ch/IrCh Collooney Silver Silas, one week short of 9 years, very typy and scopy quality fawn, liked her head, neck and feet, excellent topline and moved well, in lovely condition.
2. Reed’s Alza Niamh at Dejare, almost 10 years fawn with a feminine head, long neck, good depth, topline and quarters.
3. Hill’s Shimmeree Blue Kashmere.
Minor Puppy Bitch (13)
1. Foster’s Koppelwell Kurious Kactus, nothing curious about this lovely brindle baby. Sweetest of heads, long neck fitting into a well laid shoulder, good feet, correct topline for her age with arch over the loin, well bent stifles, excelled on the move, has a lovely balance and quality, loved her. BPIS
2. Price’s Anthemion Natural Coral among Silkdance, brindle girl who has a feminine head, long neck, good depth and quarters, another who moved well, just not as copy as 1.
3. Home and Fisher-Home’s Jasarat Texas Rose.
Puppy Bitch (11)
1. McLeod’s Peperone Pieris, 10 months parti of lovely type, very feminine and well balanced, lovely head with small ear, long neck set into well laid shoulder, well off for body, good quarters, true on the move.
2. Head’s Demerlay Alwasnforever, pretty red fawn, liked her head, neck and shoulder, good bend of stifle, sound movement, very shapely quality girl
3. Burton’s Khandibah Khorriandah
Junior Bitch (17)
1. Snelgroves Huntinghill Jazzalicious, lovely fawn and white, excellent shape and balance, liked her head, eye and ear, neck, shoulder, topline and quarters, fine coat and skin, excellent movement, close for RCC
2. Hunt’s Tayra Fame N Fortune, quality fawn and white with white trim, sweetest of heads, long neck fitting into well laid shoulder, good topline and quarters, carrying the correct amount of weight, just not the lengthof 1.
3. Bell’s Scarletfair Secret Star over Windsdream
Yearling Bitch (16)
1. Seimet, Day and Johnson’s Chibuku Divas Lyric at Sejoda, fawn and white bitch of lovely quality, lean head, long neck, good feet, topline and well angulated quarters. A shade more brisket would improve the picture. Movement good.
2. Howgate and Hull’s Palmik Midnight Mischief, scopy fawn who moved so well, lovely neck and shoulder, good bone and feet, broad back and strong quarters, well let down hocks.
3. Hunger’s Collooney Sweet ‘N’ Sassy
Novice (16)
1. Foster’s Koppelwell Kurious Kactus
2. McLeod’s Peperone Pieris
3. Head’s Demerlay Alwasnforever
Undergradute Bitch (7)
1. Hill and Little’s Loroli Joystone, shapely brindle who presented a very pleasing picture which was spolied by moving a trifle wide fore and aft.
2. Banyard’s Darquell Hannah Nutherwon, pretty bitch who has a good neck, feet and quarters, fine coat and skin, need more fill in front.
3. Burdette’s Burmore Party Pice.
Special Beginners Bitch (10)
1. Burton’s Khandibah Khorriandah, 3rd in puppy shapely fawn, well balanced, long neck, good topline, correctloin.
2. Julian’s Bluestreak Bestseller, reserve in yearling. Pale brindle, shapely but not the length of 1. Fine coat and skin
3. Grant’s Wildfly Gold Dust
Post Graduate Bitch (23)
1. Harding’s Copsebury Twist ‘n Move, lovely, quality, shapely bitch who has all the qualities to go on, free mover, liked her very much.
2. Boughton and White’s Scarletfair Shooting Star from Ipanema, pretty girl who has a typical head, good neck, topline and quarters, moved very well especially in profile.
3. Becquet and Darby’s Becscott Delectable lady.
Limit Bitch (20)
1. Randall’s Spinneyhill Cinnamon at Hammonds, super quality brindle who is built on lovely lines, just right for shape and balance, fine coat and skin. Just moving a little wide behind which cost her further rewards.
2. Fulcher’s Khandibah Shamyaanha, lovely shapely, balanced bitch who I liked very much, close up to 1.
3. Bird’s Blanding’s Infatuation.
Open Bitch (11)
1. Stock and Gilmour’s Ch Courthill Cast a Shadow, very classy brindle and white girl who presents a superb picture, lean feminine head, good long neck set well into shoulder, correct topline, good bone and feet, stands over plenty of ground, moved with reach and drive, immaculate condition and presentation, won a well-deserved CC & BIS.
2. Dufty, Moreland and Moreland-Allen’s Triken Sweet Dreams, 3 years fawn and white bitch of excellent type and quality, nothing exaggerated here just a lovely balanced shape coupled with excellent movement which won her RCC.
3. Howgate and Hull’s Palmik Princess
Sandra Marshall