NWA Open Show
3rd November 2012
Judge: Mrs Mary Belshaw (Permadon)
Correct movement has always been most important to me & consequently was the deciding factor in several classes.
MINOR PUPPY DOG (1) 1 Home & Fisher-Home’s Jaserat Jenesis, alone but a good example of a young dog. Well balanced throughout, strong neck into deep chest with plenty of heartroom, ideal length, plenty of bone & substance, moved steadily.
PUPPY DOG (8) 1 Mixides’ Citycroft Star Gazing over Yialousa, red dog showing much promise for the future. Good front, long neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good topline, nice arch over loin, well muscled thighs, flowed round the ring with true movement in both directions. BP; 2 Mycroft’s Supeta’s Breaking Dawn, quality puppy with a bright future. Very little to choose between these two dogs. Just preferred length of 1; 3 J Jenesis.
JUNIOR DOG (10) 1 Grisoli & Bower’s Loroli Jump To The Beat, quality dog, oozing class & confidence. Plenty to admire from his masculine head, flowing lines & strong quarters, moved accurately with drive & extension. Shows much promise; 2 Griffiths’ Pelyma Obi Wan Kenobi, built on finer lines throughout. I would prefer a slightly more masculine head. A good example of the Standard, sound movement in either direction; 3 Price’s Elmanash Majestic Gold among Silkdance.
YEARLING DOG (5) 1 Sowerby’s Koppelwell Karbon Copy at Nables, brindle, well balanced, well presented pleasing to the eye. Well angled, strong hindquarters & correct bone, moved freely round the ring; 2 Severn’s Deljorhea He’s The One at Nattah, attractive type, handsome head & well laid shoulders, good topline into strong rearquarters, moved quite well round the ring; 3 Field’s Derohan Masked Marvel.
NOVICE DOG (6) 1 Knowles’ Lelaps Expelliarmus, good overall balance, long neck, well placed front, deep chest, plenty of length, well presented, steady movement; 2 Shepherd’s Nattah In Sync with Oxana, nice masculine head, long neck, well conditioned, in excellent condition; moved OK; 3 Shennan’s Matinsell Martini Dry.
SPECIAL BEGINNERS DOG (7) 1 N In Sync with Oxana; 2 E Majestic Gold among Silkdance, built on finer lines, shapely outline, good condition, strong hindquarters giving true movement in both directions. Just preferred extra length of 1; 3 K Karbon Kopy at Nables.
POST GRADUATE DOG (5) 1 Strunin’s Millwold Make A Move to Boarley, brindle, in excellent condition, sound throughout, well balanced, masculine head into strong neck, flowed from head to tail. Moved accurately & truly in both directions with drive; 2 Bellamy’s Palmik Celtic Royale, pleasing head, gentle expression, nice deep chest, ample undertuck & well muscled thighs. True movement but I preferred drive of 1; 3 Field’s Derohan Masked Marvel.
LIMIT DOG (6) 1 Spencer & Strunin’s Chelridge Casanova, quality dog, in excellent condition throughout, well balanced, beautiful outline, accurate conformation to Standard. Flowing movement round the ring. RBD; 2 Chappell’s Blue Charm Biggles, quality dog, pushed 1 hard. Elegant head & neck into well laid shoulders, good body length & topline, nice angulation, moved well. Preferred more positive movement of 1; 3 Clarke & Moore’s Yialousa Frisco Bay at Sunwalkers.
OPEN DOG (5) 1 Mycroft’s Ch Supeta’s Razzalicious, beautifully presented brindle of excellent quality throughout, flowed from head to tail. Masculine head, long neck, superb shoulder placement, ideal length, excellent profile standing & maintained on the move. Accurate movement showing great extension & drive from rear. RBIS; 2 Strong & Clinton’s Marleben Magiq Marquis at Mackjama, r/br of lovely type, built on finer lines but still masculine. Strong neck, nice forechest. Not as long as 1 but overall good balance. Moved with drive around the ring; 3 Smith’s Turn Of Gold at Yantabella.
Racing/Lure Coursing Dog (5) 1 D He’s The One at Nattah; 2 Webber’s Penbriar Foxhunter, in really fit condition to carry out his work. Strong overall shape, plenty of muscletone, a good specimen for intended task; 3 E Majestic Gold among Silkdance. VD (4) 1 Anderson’s Shoalingham Senator, lovely dog for 10 years, excellent condition & well presented, moved smoothly round the ring with style of a dog of much younger years. BV; 2 P Foxhunter.
MINOR PUPPY DOG (1) 1 Home & Fisher-Home’s Jaserat Jenesis, alone but a good example of a young dog. Well balanced throughout, strong neck into deep chest with plenty of heartroom, ideal length, plenty of bone & substance, moved steadily.
PUPPY DOG (8) 1 Mixides’ Citycroft Star Gazing over Yialousa, red dog showing much promise for the future. Good front, long neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good topline, nice arch over loin, well muscled thighs, flowed round the ring with true movement in both directions. BP; 2 Mycroft’s Supeta’s Breaking Dawn, quality puppy with a bright future. Very little to choose between these two dogs. Just preferred length of 1; 3 J Jenesis.
JUNIOR DOG (10) 1 Grisoli & Bower’s Loroli Jump To The Beat, quality dog, oozing class & confidence. Plenty to admire from his masculine head, flowing lines & strong quarters, moved accurately with drive & extension. Shows much promise; 2 Griffiths’ Pelyma Obi Wan Kenobi, built on finer lines throughout. I would prefer a slightly more masculine head. A good example of the Standard, sound movement in either direction; 3 Price’s Elmanash Majestic Gold among Silkdance.
YEARLING DOG (5) 1 Sowerby’s Koppelwell Karbon Copy at Nables, brindle, well balanced, well presented pleasing to the eye. Well angled, strong hindquarters & correct bone, moved freely round the ring; 2 Severn’s Deljorhea He’s The One at Nattah, attractive type, handsome head & well laid shoulders, good topline into strong rearquarters, moved quite well round the ring; 3 Field’s Derohan Masked Marvel.
NOVICE DOG (6) 1 Knowles’ Lelaps Expelliarmus, good overall balance, long neck, well placed front, deep chest, plenty of length, well presented, steady movement; 2 Shepherd’s Nattah In Sync with Oxana, nice masculine head, long neck, well conditioned, in excellent condition; moved OK; 3 Shennan’s Matinsell Martini Dry.
SPECIAL BEGINNERS DOG (7) 1 N In Sync with Oxana; 2 E Majestic Gold among Silkdance, built on finer lines, shapely outline, good condition, strong hindquarters giving true movement in both directions. Just preferred extra length of 1; 3 K Karbon Kopy at Nables.
POST GRADUATE DOG (5) 1 Strunin’s Millwold Make A Move to Boarley, brindle, in excellent condition, sound throughout, well balanced, masculine head into strong neck, flowed from head to tail. Moved accurately & truly in both directions with drive; 2 Bellamy’s Palmik Celtic Royale, pleasing head, gentle expression, nice deep chest, ample undertuck & well muscled thighs. True movement but I preferred drive of 1; 3 Field’s Derohan Masked Marvel.
LIMIT DOG (6) 1 Spencer & Strunin’s Chelridge Casanova, quality dog, in excellent condition throughout, well balanced, beautiful outline, accurate conformation to Standard. Flowing movement round the ring. RBD; 2 Chappell’s Blue Charm Biggles, quality dog, pushed 1 hard. Elegant head & neck into well laid shoulders, good body length & topline, nice angulation, moved well. Preferred more positive movement of 1; 3 Clarke & Moore’s Yialousa Frisco Bay at Sunwalkers.
OPEN DOG (5) 1 Mycroft’s Ch Supeta’s Razzalicious, beautifully presented brindle of excellent quality throughout, flowed from head to tail. Masculine head, long neck, superb shoulder placement, ideal length, excellent profile standing & maintained on the move. Accurate movement showing great extension & drive from rear. RBIS; 2 Strong & Clinton’s Marleben Magiq Marquis at Mackjama, r/br of lovely type, built on finer lines but still masculine. Strong neck, nice forechest. Not as long as 1 but overall good balance. Moved with drive around the ring; 3 Smith’s Turn Of Gold at Yantabella.
Racing/Lure Coursing Dog (5) 1 D He’s The One at Nattah; 2 Webber’s Penbriar Foxhunter, in really fit condition to carry out his work. Strong overall shape, plenty of muscletone, a good specimen for intended task; 3 E Majestic Gold among Silkdance. VD (4) 1 Anderson’s Shoalingham Senator, lovely dog for 10 years, excellent condition & well presented, moved smoothly round the ring with style of a dog of much younger years. BV; 2 P Foxhunter.
VETERAN BITCH (3) 1 Smith’s Welstar Lady Macbeth at Cryhavoc, excellent condition for her age, good outline when standing & maintained on the move. Still showing her socks off, in excellent condition; 2 Walker’s Shoalingham Socialite, fawn parti, not quite as scopy as 1. Lovely head, gentle expression, good front assembly, nice topline & strong quarters. Pushed 1 for top place; 3 Bunney’s Bunehug Little Echo.
MINOR PUPPY BITCH (4) 1 Howgate & Hull’s Palmik Moonlight Shadow, fawn puppy, only 7 months but showing great maturity & promise. Feminine head, long neck & nice shoulder placement, deep chest, good topline & rear angulation, plenty of substance, moved out well in both directions. BPB; 2 Audland’s Alroed Jewel In The Crown, more rangy puppy than 1. Long lean head, ample length & generally good conformation. Promising but just needs to settle; 3 Davison’s Nables Something Blue.
PUPPY BITCH (2) 1 Mycroft’s Supeta’s Eclipse, fawn parti of real quality, feminine through & through, shows great promise for the future. Excellent conformation, moved out with style showing great ring presence for one so young. Moved accurately with drive while maintaining topline; 2 Howgate & Hull’s Palmik Magic Trick, lovely puppy, quite unsettled but this will be remedied with maturity. Overall good conformation, ideal length, strong thighs & correct angulation, moved soundly with drive.
JUNIOR BITCH (11) 1 Griffiths’ Pelyma Princess Leia, fawn of correct size & conformation, elegant head, sweet expression, long arched neck, well laid front, deep chest, ample heart room, flowing lines with good angulation. Moved out well with excellent drive & extension; 2 Grisoli & Bowyer’s Loroli Blue Monday, another quality bitch from this kennel & sister to my JD winner. Excellent conformation & only beaten by marginally better movement by 1; 3 Willing’s Welstar Scarlet O’Hara with Althea.
YEARLING BITCH (3) 1 Webber’s Derohan Attraction, alone but had several good features with regard to Standard conformation. Satisfactory movement in both directions.
NOVICE BITCH (5) 1 W Scarlet O’Hara with Althea, elegant fawn of good size & substance, nice outline with no coarseness, well laid front, good topline, strong thighs, neat rear angulation. Movement showed drive & extension; 2 Chant’s Derohan Beyond Desire, well balanced, plenty of substance, overall good conformation & showed improved movement in this class; 3 Hegedus’ Nattah Jazz It Up.
SPECIAL BEGINNERS BITCH (5) 1 Severn’s Jasarat Starry Skye, br/w, in excellent condition, loved her gentle expression, feminine head & arched neck, good angulation, super outline maintained on the move, steady movement in both directions; 2 Price & Trouton’s Wisterfield Wild Rosemary, fawn, made things quite difficult for her handler. I liked her size & general conformation. Generally moved quite well.
POST GRADUATE BITCH (8) 1 Samber’s Citycroft Could It Be Magic for Mithrandir, red parti, feminine head, super shoulder placement, good topline, deep chest & good angulation giving an excellent outline. True movement with forward extension & rear drive; 2 Walker’s Shoalingham Silver Promise, f/w/br, good conformation & steady movement. Close decision but I just preferred profile & outline of 1; 3 Chappell’s Blueflight Rainbows Quest.
LIMIT BITCH (4) 1 Grisoli’s Loroli Lets Boogie, f/br, pleasing outline & good length, super arched neck, correct angulation, good muscletone & flowed throughout. Nice topline held well on the move; 2 Mycroft’s Supeta’s Dazzalicious, quality brindle, correct size & conformation, elegant while standing but maintained super outline while moving with drive. Unlucky to come up against 1 in such great form.
OPEN BITCH (4) 1 Howgate & Hull’s Am Ch Merci Isle Magnolia at Palmik, another quality bitch from this well known kennel. Great ring presence, oozing pride & confidence, super feminine head, strong neck, excellent shoulder placement. Deep chest, nice topline & length of loin, correct rear angulation, strong thighs to enable flowing movement with great accuracy & drive in all directions. BIS; 2 Walker’s Shoalingham Silver Sorrel, fawn, lovely head, melting expression, in excellent condition, superb silky coat & clean lines, elegance throughout, smooth flowing & precise movement which with her super conformation qualified her for RBB; 3 Mixides’ Yialousa Scarlett Ribbon.
Racing/Lure Coursing B (4) 1 J Starry Sky; 3 D Attraction.
MINOR PUPPY BITCH (4) 1 Howgate & Hull’s Palmik Moonlight Shadow, fawn puppy, only 7 months but showing great maturity & promise. Feminine head, long neck & nice shoulder placement, deep chest, good topline & rear angulation, plenty of substance, moved out well in both directions. BPB; 2 Audland’s Alroed Jewel In The Crown, more rangy puppy than 1. Long lean head, ample length & generally good conformation. Promising but just needs to settle; 3 Davison’s Nables Something Blue.
PUPPY BITCH (2) 1 Mycroft’s Supeta’s Eclipse, fawn parti of real quality, feminine through & through, shows great promise for the future. Excellent conformation, moved out with style showing great ring presence for one so young. Moved accurately with drive while maintaining topline; 2 Howgate & Hull’s Palmik Magic Trick, lovely puppy, quite unsettled but this will be remedied with maturity. Overall good conformation, ideal length, strong thighs & correct angulation, moved soundly with drive.
JUNIOR BITCH (11) 1 Griffiths’ Pelyma Princess Leia, fawn of correct size & conformation, elegant head, sweet expression, long arched neck, well laid front, deep chest, ample heart room, flowing lines with good angulation. Moved out well with excellent drive & extension; 2 Grisoli & Bowyer’s Loroli Blue Monday, another quality bitch from this kennel & sister to my JD winner. Excellent conformation & only beaten by marginally better movement by 1; 3 Willing’s Welstar Scarlet O’Hara with Althea.
YEARLING BITCH (3) 1 Webber’s Derohan Attraction, alone but had several good features with regard to Standard conformation. Satisfactory movement in both directions.
NOVICE BITCH (5) 1 W Scarlet O’Hara with Althea, elegant fawn of good size & substance, nice outline with no coarseness, well laid front, good topline, strong thighs, neat rear angulation. Movement showed drive & extension; 2 Chant’s Derohan Beyond Desire, well balanced, plenty of substance, overall good conformation & showed improved movement in this class; 3 Hegedus’ Nattah Jazz It Up.
SPECIAL BEGINNERS BITCH (5) 1 Severn’s Jasarat Starry Skye, br/w, in excellent condition, loved her gentle expression, feminine head & arched neck, good angulation, super outline maintained on the move, steady movement in both directions; 2 Price & Trouton’s Wisterfield Wild Rosemary, fawn, made things quite difficult for her handler. I liked her size & general conformation. Generally moved quite well.
POST GRADUATE BITCH (8) 1 Samber’s Citycroft Could It Be Magic for Mithrandir, red parti, feminine head, super shoulder placement, good topline, deep chest & good angulation giving an excellent outline. True movement with forward extension & rear drive; 2 Walker’s Shoalingham Silver Promise, f/w/br, good conformation & steady movement. Close decision but I just preferred profile & outline of 1; 3 Chappell’s Blueflight Rainbows Quest.
LIMIT BITCH (4) 1 Grisoli’s Loroli Lets Boogie, f/br, pleasing outline & good length, super arched neck, correct angulation, good muscletone & flowed throughout. Nice topline held well on the move; 2 Mycroft’s Supeta’s Dazzalicious, quality brindle, correct size & conformation, elegant while standing but maintained super outline while moving with drive. Unlucky to come up against 1 in such great form.
OPEN BITCH (4) 1 Howgate & Hull’s Am Ch Merci Isle Magnolia at Palmik, another quality bitch from this well known kennel. Great ring presence, oozing pride & confidence, super feminine head, strong neck, excellent shoulder placement. Deep chest, nice topline & length of loin, correct rear angulation, strong thighs to enable flowing movement with great accuracy & drive in all directions. BIS; 2 Walker’s Shoalingham Silver Sorrel, fawn, lovely head, melting expression, in excellent condition, superb silky coat & clean lines, elegance throughout, smooth flowing & precise movement which with her super conformation qualified her for RBB; 3 Mixides’ Yialousa Scarlett Ribbon.
Racing/Lure Coursing B (4) 1 J Starry Sky; 3 D Attraction.