NWA Championship Show
4th May 2015
I would like to thank the committee for their kind invitation to judge at their well organised show, also the exhibitors for their lovely entry. I had some lovely dogs & the quality of some classes was excellent which meant some dogs had to go home cardless.
VETERAN (4,1a) 1 Snelgrove’s Ch Huntinghill The Jazz Man, have always admired this dog. 8 years old & still looking well. He moved round the ring with ease & purpose; 2 Bellamy’s Palmik Midnight Express, another dog who is looking well for his age. Handled & moved well. He seemed to enjoy his day; 3 Wood’s Ch Ardencote What A Cracker.
MINOR PUPPY (15,2) 1 Ellis’ Railfield Rainknight, lovely baby of just 6 months, correct size, lovely head & expression, moved round the ring with confidence. One to watch in the future; 2 Newton’s Nevedith Zufor Zeffa, another lovely pup of correct size, good ring presence, moved well & could change places with 1 on another day; 3 Whitehead’s Citycroft High Society.
PUPPY (12,4) 1 Wilton-Clark’s Shalfleet Simply Jeeves, attractive r/w/br, lovely size, nice head & expression, good front, nice depth of chest, well ribbed back to correctly angulated rear. Moved round the ring with drive. BPD & BP; 2 Vaughan’s Mossbawnhill Carries It Off, another nice pup, nice size, good all round profile, nice angulation, moved well; 3 Outterson’s Ardencote Star Turn.
JUNIOR (15,1) 1 Wroth’s Crosscop Love Struck Romeo, dark br/w of good size, nice head & expression, lovely flowing outline, good fill in front, nice deep brisket, well muscled hindquarters, nice topline held on the move, moved well; 2 Cutter’s Windfly Warhorse for Chosovi, another nice young dog of good quality, nice size, good outline, nice length, strong hindquarters, good topline held on the move, moved well; 3 Howgate & Hull’s Palmik Strike It Right. Y (18,3) 1 Marston-Pollock & Mawson’s Monteventure Valentino of Falconcrag, f/br of lovely quality, lovely head & soft expression, good length of neck, clean shoulders, nice deep brisket, good topline & back angulation, moved round the ring with drive. Handled well; 2 Neale’s Stormalong Romantic Romeo, another lovely f/br dog of good quality, lovely outline, good length, nice angulation, good muscled hindquarters, in lovely condition, moved well; 3 Whitaker-Crosby’s Mulcair May Contain Nutz.
NOVICE (11,2) 1 C Love Struck Romeo; 2 W Warhorse for C; 3 Cartwright’s Hawkmoth of Rearsbylea.
UNDER GRADUATE (9,3) 1 Beckett-Bradshaw’s Drakesoak Haunting at Hutaka, lovely head & expression, nice filled in front, good shoulders, good strong hindquarters, lovely topline held on the move, moved round the ring with ease; 2 S Romantic Romeo; 3 P Strike It Right.
SPECIAL BEGINNERS (9,2) 1 Cutter’s Wayhead Cellini for Chosovi, nice head & expression, well filled in front, good length, nice topline held on the move, moved well; 2 Nunnely’s Nimrodel Cognac, f/w of good proportions, nice depth, good angulation, moved well; 3 H of Rearsbylea.
POST GRADUATE (18,3) 1 Mulligan’s Ashkyem Big Star, nice r/br of correct size, nice head, neck & shoulders, deep brisket with plenty of heart room, well angulated hindquarters with ample muscle, good topline, overall well balanced, moved with drive; 2 Rishworth’s Collooney Taylor Made, another nice dog of correct size, lovely outline without exaggeration, well muscled hindquarters, good topline held on the move, moved well. Could change places with 1 on another day; 3 Martin’s Collooney Move On Up.
MID LIMIT (7,1) 1 Jones’ Jothryn Bjorne To Love, lovely brindle of correct size, nice head & expression, lovely outline, good lay of shoulders, nice length of loin with no exaggerations, well angulated hindquarters with good muscle. Overall well balanced dog who moved round the ring with drive & purpose. Handled well. RCC; 2 Harding’s Kierpark Bohemian Rhapsody, r/br of correct size & pleasing outline, lovely head & dark eye, nice deep brisket, good length of loin, nice topline, well muscled hindquarters, moved well; 3 W Cellini for Chosovi.
LIMIT (18,5) 1 Harding-Waite’s Drakesoak All Of A Twist with Caderleth, nice young dog with lovely head, nice dark eye, god earset, nice length of neck, well laid shoulders, good length of loin into powerful hindquarters. Overall well balanced dog. Moved round the ring with power & ease. Handled well; 2 Sinclair’s Freehamlet Perfick Priam, another good quality dog, nice forechest & brisket, good spring of rib, nice length of loin, well muscled hindquarters, good topline held on the move, moved well; 3 S Simply Jazz Time.
OPEN (12) 1 Harding-Waite’s Marleben Myracle Magician from Caderleth, super balanced dog with good clean front, nice bone & feet, well ribbed back & stands over plenty of ground. Correct hindquarters that gives power which he uses to advantage. Lovely topline which he led while moving round the ring with ease & grace. Well presented & handled. I was delighted to award him a well earned CC; 2 Dufty & Morland’s Triken Never Stop Dreaming, another well balanced dog of correct size & type. Nice clean front with good bone structure, good deep brisket with nice length of loin, good angulated hindquarters, good topline held on the move, moved & handled well; 3 Rishworth’s Ipanema Indian Pearl.
VETERAN (4,1a) 1 Snelgrove’s Ch Huntinghill The Jazz Man, have always admired this dog. 8 years old & still looking well. He moved round the ring with ease & purpose; 2 Bellamy’s Palmik Midnight Express, another dog who is looking well for his age. Handled & moved well. He seemed to enjoy his day; 3 Wood’s Ch Ardencote What A Cracker.
MINOR PUPPY (15,2) 1 Ellis’ Railfield Rainknight, lovely baby of just 6 months, correct size, lovely head & expression, moved round the ring with confidence. One to watch in the future; 2 Newton’s Nevedith Zufor Zeffa, another lovely pup of correct size, good ring presence, moved well & could change places with 1 on another day; 3 Whitehead’s Citycroft High Society.
PUPPY (12,4) 1 Wilton-Clark’s Shalfleet Simply Jeeves, attractive r/w/br, lovely size, nice head & expression, good front, nice depth of chest, well ribbed back to correctly angulated rear. Moved round the ring with drive. BPD & BP; 2 Vaughan’s Mossbawnhill Carries It Off, another nice pup, nice size, good all round profile, nice angulation, moved well; 3 Outterson’s Ardencote Star Turn.
JUNIOR (15,1) 1 Wroth’s Crosscop Love Struck Romeo, dark br/w of good size, nice head & expression, lovely flowing outline, good fill in front, nice deep brisket, well muscled hindquarters, nice topline held on the move, moved well; 2 Cutter’s Windfly Warhorse for Chosovi, another nice young dog of good quality, nice size, good outline, nice length, strong hindquarters, good topline held on the move, moved well; 3 Howgate & Hull’s Palmik Strike It Right. Y (18,3) 1 Marston-Pollock & Mawson’s Monteventure Valentino of Falconcrag, f/br of lovely quality, lovely head & soft expression, good length of neck, clean shoulders, nice deep brisket, good topline & back angulation, moved round the ring with drive. Handled well; 2 Neale’s Stormalong Romantic Romeo, another lovely f/br dog of good quality, lovely outline, good length, nice angulation, good muscled hindquarters, in lovely condition, moved well; 3 Whitaker-Crosby’s Mulcair May Contain Nutz.
NOVICE (11,2) 1 C Love Struck Romeo; 2 W Warhorse for C; 3 Cartwright’s Hawkmoth of Rearsbylea.
UNDER GRADUATE (9,3) 1 Beckett-Bradshaw’s Drakesoak Haunting at Hutaka, lovely head & expression, nice filled in front, good shoulders, good strong hindquarters, lovely topline held on the move, moved round the ring with ease; 2 S Romantic Romeo; 3 P Strike It Right.
SPECIAL BEGINNERS (9,2) 1 Cutter’s Wayhead Cellini for Chosovi, nice head & expression, well filled in front, good length, nice topline held on the move, moved well; 2 Nunnely’s Nimrodel Cognac, f/w of good proportions, nice depth, good angulation, moved well; 3 H of Rearsbylea.
POST GRADUATE (18,3) 1 Mulligan’s Ashkyem Big Star, nice r/br of correct size, nice head, neck & shoulders, deep brisket with plenty of heart room, well angulated hindquarters with ample muscle, good topline, overall well balanced, moved with drive; 2 Rishworth’s Collooney Taylor Made, another nice dog of correct size, lovely outline without exaggeration, well muscled hindquarters, good topline held on the move, moved well. Could change places with 1 on another day; 3 Martin’s Collooney Move On Up.
MID LIMIT (7,1) 1 Jones’ Jothryn Bjorne To Love, lovely brindle of correct size, nice head & expression, lovely outline, good lay of shoulders, nice length of loin with no exaggerations, well angulated hindquarters with good muscle. Overall well balanced dog who moved round the ring with drive & purpose. Handled well. RCC; 2 Harding’s Kierpark Bohemian Rhapsody, r/br of correct size & pleasing outline, lovely head & dark eye, nice deep brisket, good length of loin, nice topline, well muscled hindquarters, moved well; 3 W Cellini for Chosovi.
LIMIT (18,5) 1 Harding-Waite’s Drakesoak All Of A Twist with Caderleth, nice young dog with lovely head, nice dark eye, god earset, nice length of neck, well laid shoulders, good length of loin into powerful hindquarters. Overall well balanced dog. Moved round the ring with power & ease. Handled well; 2 Sinclair’s Freehamlet Perfick Priam, another good quality dog, nice forechest & brisket, good spring of rib, nice length of loin, well muscled hindquarters, good topline held on the move, moved well; 3 S Simply Jazz Time.
OPEN (12) 1 Harding-Waite’s Marleben Myracle Magician from Caderleth, super balanced dog with good clean front, nice bone & feet, well ribbed back & stands over plenty of ground. Correct hindquarters that gives power which he uses to advantage. Lovely topline which he led while moving round the ring with ease & grace. Well presented & handled. I was delighted to award him a well earned CC; 2 Dufty & Morland’s Triken Never Stop Dreaming, another well balanced dog of correct size & type. Nice clean front with good bone structure, good deep brisket with nice length of loin, good angulated hindquarters, good topline held on the move, moved & handled well; 3 Rishworth’s Ipanema Indian Pearl.
My thanks to the officers & committee for their invitation to judge at this very well organised show. The quality of the entry was high & the classes full of worthy prize winners, which due to the level of entry meant many very nice bitches went home cardless. I was looking for a bitch of medium size with a flowing outline & who was sound, well muscled, balanced & without the extreme rear angulation often accompanied with a flat topline, which I feel is becoming more prevalent in the breed. My winners all had the attributes I was looking for & were true Whippet type.
MINOR PUPPY (18,1a) 1 Ellis’ Railfield Raining Kisses, a really beautiful baby of just 6 months at her first show. Has a superb temperament & moved with such confidence round the ring. Lovely size & with very good conformation & movement, sound legs & feet & a nice flowing outline. Never put a foot wrong. BPB; 2 Home & Fisher-Home’s Citycroft My Fair Lady of Jasarat, another very attractive fawn with a good head, nice eye & expression, good neck & topline & in good muscular condition. Good rear with low hocks. Moved truly with nice length of stride; 3 Wilton-Clark’s Shalfleet Coffee And Cream.
PUPPY (18,5) 1 Howgate & Hull’s Palmik En Vogue, most attractive fawn with white trim with a good head & expression, good front of correct width, good depth of chest & was well ribbed back to a correctly angulated rear. Moved well showing forward reach & rear drive & holding her outline; 2 Wood’s Ardencote Star Maker, such a sweet headed bitch who impressed for her ideal size & lovely outline. She is well balanced & was moving well with effortless ease particularly in profile. A close decision between the first two & I’m sure they will change places many times; 3 Wheeler’s Adagio Behind The Sunglasses at Ranveli.
JUNIOR(18,1) 1 Mycroft’s Shiny Sensations Spirit Of Love for Supeta, brindle of good size with nice flowing outline, good head & expression, very good fill in front, good ribs & tuck up to nicely arched loin & good rearquarters. Held her good outline going round; 2 Lain & Alexander’s Danluke Dance Diva of Lolani, fawn with a good head & strong underjaw. Has a good front, legs & feet, good spring of rib, top & underlines & also moving well; 3 Winkley-Balmer’s Crosscrop Me And My Girl for Edenwhip.
YEARLING (15) 1 Morris, Waddell & Donaldson’s Nothing Compares To You at Crosscrop, beautiful fawn with a super coat & skin who was shown in immaculate condition. Has a good outline & excellent movement. Wouldn’t want her any longer in body. Loved her head & expression, well laid shoulders & balanced rear angulation. Pushed hard for the green cards; 2 Newton’s Nevedith Yehfor Yasmin, pale br/w parti of lovely size & type. Has a good head & expression, good neck & topline & good rear angulation with low hocks. Sound on the move & covers ground well; 3 Mulligan’s Ashkyem Leaping Water.
NOVICE (15) 1 C My Fair Lady of J; 2 Morris, Waddell & Donaldson’s Crosscrop Brown Eyed Girl, r/br who is elegant, compact & a sound mover. Has a good head, nicely arched neck, good depth of chest & well angulated rear. Would prefer a darker eye; 3 Hooper’s Torbers Satin And Lace.
UNDER GRADUATE (7,2) 1 Mitchell’s Denmanwood Decision, fawn with a very appealing head & expression. Liked her front & good depth of chest. Has a good underline & good rear angles with low hocks. A nice easy mover; 2 Webber’s Diamond Webb, brindle of good size & substance with a nice deep chest, good ribbing & well muscled rear. Also a good mover just preferred the front of winner; 3 Gillespie’s Penbriar She’s A Lady.
SPECIAL BEGINNERS 1 Courtney’s Spyanfly Saucy Socks at Courtbirch, a very nice f/br of good proportions & balanced construction. Lovely head & expression, has a good depth & length of rib, good topline & well angulated rear. Moved well; 2 Whisterfield As If By Magic, fawn bitch with a lovely head, good eye & expression. Good depth of chest but a bit long in body & flattened in topline today. Was well muscled with a good rear & low hocks. Moved well in profile; 3 Chant’s Derohan Beyond Desire.
POST GRADUATE (9) 1 Peacock’s Drakesoak Rainbow Dancer, lovely type with a good head & dark eyes giving soft expression. Holds a good outline when standing & has good width & depth of chest, good rear angles & low hocks. Nice mover going round but could be firmer in front; 2 Fisher’s Marleben Mystical Mistress, f/w parti with pleasing outline. Has a nice head with gentle expression. Fair front, nice topline, is well muscled & stands over plenty ground; 3 Bass’ Blandings Treacle Tart.
MID LIMIT (13,2) 1 Davies’ Pasharif Play Misty For Me, neat little bitch of lovely type with a very good outline. Liked her front with good shoulders, neat elbows, good ribs & topline. Not overdone in any way & a very sound mover. Has a lovely fine coat & skin; 2 Jones’ Jothryn Bjorne Again, beautiful parti with good top & underlines. A nicely balanced bitch who was a particularly good mover. Was well angulated with low hocks just a bit soft in front pasterns today; 3 Whitaker-Crosby’s Mulcair Meerkat Marble.
LIMIT (19,1) 1 Hooper’s Charuzian Sapphire, a feminine br/w parti with a beautiful outline. Very balanced in construction & without exaggerations. Has a good front with excellent legs & feet, correct body proportions & very good rear. A sound mover; 2 Short’s Collooney Whoopee Do Dora, slightly bigger than winner but with a good overall shape & balance. A shade longer in back & tended to lose her topline at times. A very good free mover which earned her her place; 3 Marston-Pollock & Mawson’s Danluke Labelled With Love.
OPEN (11) A super class & a joy to judge. 1 Rees & Jones’ Ch Kierpark Don’t Stop Me Know, it is no secret that I admire this bitch having placed her highly in the past. In my opinion she is one of the best bitches I have had hands on. She excels in breed type, is the right size, is without extremes of conformation & is such a true & effortless mover both in profile & out & back with the desired low reaching front action while driving from her rear. She maintains her lovely outline both standing & moving & is always presented to perfection. CC, & with my co-judge’s agreement, BIS; 2 Morris, Waddell & Donaldson’s Ch Crosscrop Count On Me, has many of the same virtues as the winner. Unexaggerated & lovely for size & type with good head qualities & balanced construction. A tad soft in pastern today but she is such a lovely mover & was covering the ground with ease. RCC & RBIS; 3 Ritchie & Ritchie-Smith’s Ir Ch Demerlay Armabay Billie Jean.
VETERAN 1 Mycroft’s Ch Supeta’s Bootilicious Babe, 9 years pale fawn, very feminine in head with nice dark eye. Very nice outline & good front & rear. Well muscled & in super coat & condition for her age. A nice free & true mover; 2 Ellis’ Ch Rainfield Rainflower, 7 years fawn of quality, nicely put together with a good neck & topline & well angulated rear. Very balanced & looked well going round the ring. Dam of the BPB; 3 Whitehead & Smith’s Stormburst Winter Sparkles for Citycroft.
MINOR PUPPY (18,1a) 1 Ellis’ Railfield Raining Kisses, a really beautiful baby of just 6 months at her first show. Has a superb temperament & moved with such confidence round the ring. Lovely size & with very good conformation & movement, sound legs & feet & a nice flowing outline. Never put a foot wrong. BPB; 2 Home & Fisher-Home’s Citycroft My Fair Lady of Jasarat, another very attractive fawn with a good head, nice eye & expression, good neck & topline & in good muscular condition. Good rear with low hocks. Moved truly with nice length of stride; 3 Wilton-Clark’s Shalfleet Coffee And Cream.
PUPPY (18,5) 1 Howgate & Hull’s Palmik En Vogue, most attractive fawn with white trim with a good head & expression, good front of correct width, good depth of chest & was well ribbed back to a correctly angulated rear. Moved well showing forward reach & rear drive & holding her outline; 2 Wood’s Ardencote Star Maker, such a sweet headed bitch who impressed for her ideal size & lovely outline. She is well balanced & was moving well with effortless ease particularly in profile. A close decision between the first two & I’m sure they will change places many times; 3 Wheeler’s Adagio Behind The Sunglasses at Ranveli.
JUNIOR(18,1) 1 Mycroft’s Shiny Sensations Spirit Of Love for Supeta, brindle of good size with nice flowing outline, good head & expression, very good fill in front, good ribs & tuck up to nicely arched loin & good rearquarters. Held her good outline going round; 2 Lain & Alexander’s Danluke Dance Diva of Lolani, fawn with a good head & strong underjaw. Has a good front, legs & feet, good spring of rib, top & underlines & also moving well; 3 Winkley-Balmer’s Crosscrop Me And My Girl for Edenwhip.
YEARLING (15) 1 Morris, Waddell & Donaldson’s Nothing Compares To You at Crosscrop, beautiful fawn with a super coat & skin who was shown in immaculate condition. Has a good outline & excellent movement. Wouldn’t want her any longer in body. Loved her head & expression, well laid shoulders & balanced rear angulation. Pushed hard for the green cards; 2 Newton’s Nevedith Yehfor Yasmin, pale br/w parti of lovely size & type. Has a good head & expression, good neck & topline & good rear angulation with low hocks. Sound on the move & covers ground well; 3 Mulligan’s Ashkyem Leaping Water.
NOVICE (15) 1 C My Fair Lady of J; 2 Morris, Waddell & Donaldson’s Crosscrop Brown Eyed Girl, r/br who is elegant, compact & a sound mover. Has a good head, nicely arched neck, good depth of chest & well angulated rear. Would prefer a darker eye; 3 Hooper’s Torbers Satin And Lace.
UNDER GRADUATE (7,2) 1 Mitchell’s Denmanwood Decision, fawn with a very appealing head & expression. Liked her front & good depth of chest. Has a good underline & good rear angles with low hocks. A nice easy mover; 2 Webber’s Diamond Webb, brindle of good size & substance with a nice deep chest, good ribbing & well muscled rear. Also a good mover just preferred the front of winner; 3 Gillespie’s Penbriar She’s A Lady.
SPECIAL BEGINNERS 1 Courtney’s Spyanfly Saucy Socks at Courtbirch, a very nice f/br of good proportions & balanced construction. Lovely head & expression, has a good depth & length of rib, good topline & well angulated rear. Moved well; 2 Whisterfield As If By Magic, fawn bitch with a lovely head, good eye & expression. Good depth of chest but a bit long in body & flattened in topline today. Was well muscled with a good rear & low hocks. Moved well in profile; 3 Chant’s Derohan Beyond Desire.
POST GRADUATE (9) 1 Peacock’s Drakesoak Rainbow Dancer, lovely type with a good head & dark eyes giving soft expression. Holds a good outline when standing & has good width & depth of chest, good rear angles & low hocks. Nice mover going round but could be firmer in front; 2 Fisher’s Marleben Mystical Mistress, f/w parti with pleasing outline. Has a nice head with gentle expression. Fair front, nice topline, is well muscled & stands over plenty ground; 3 Bass’ Blandings Treacle Tart.
MID LIMIT (13,2) 1 Davies’ Pasharif Play Misty For Me, neat little bitch of lovely type with a very good outline. Liked her front with good shoulders, neat elbows, good ribs & topline. Not overdone in any way & a very sound mover. Has a lovely fine coat & skin; 2 Jones’ Jothryn Bjorne Again, beautiful parti with good top & underlines. A nicely balanced bitch who was a particularly good mover. Was well angulated with low hocks just a bit soft in front pasterns today; 3 Whitaker-Crosby’s Mulcair Meerkat Marble.
LIMIT (19,1) 1 Hooper’s Charuzian Sapphire, a feminine br/w parti with a beautiful outline. Very balanced in construction & without exaggerations. Has a good front with excellent legs & feet, correct body proportions & very good rear. A sound mover; 2 Short’s Collooney Whoopee Do Dora, slightly bigger than winner but with a good overall shape & balance. A shade longer in back & tended to lose her topline at times. A very good free mover which earned her her place; 3 Marston-Pollock & Mawson’s Danluke Labelled With Love.
OPEN (11) A super class & a joy to judge. 1 Rees & Jones’ Ch Kierpark Don’t Stop Me Know, it is no secret that I admire this bitch having placed her highly in the past. In my opinion she is one of the best bitches I have had hands on. She excels in breed type, is the right size, is without extremes of conformation & is such a true & effortless mover both in profile & out & back with the desired low reaching front action while driving from her rear. She maintains her lovely outline both standing & moving & is always presented to perfection. CC, & with my co-judge’s agreement, BIS; 2 Morris, Waddell & Donaldson’s Ch Crosscrop Count On Me, has many of the same virtues as the winner. Unexaggerated & lovely for size & type with good head qualities & balanced construction. A tad soft in pastern today but she is such a lovely mover & was covering the ground with ease. RCC & RBIS; 3 Ritchie & Ritchie-Smith’s Ir Ch Demerlay Armabay Billie Jean.
VETERAN 1 Mycroft’s Ch Supeta’s Bootilicious Babe, 9 years pale fawn, very feminine in head with nice dark eye. Very nice outline & good front & rear. Well muscled & in super coat & condition for her age. A nice free & true mover; 2 Ellis’ Ch Rainfield Rainflower, 7 years fawn of quality, nicely put together with a good neck & topline & well angulated rear. Very balanced & looked well going round the ring. Dam of the BPB; 3 Whitehead & Smith’s Stormburst Winter Sparkles for Citycroft.